Energy Efficient Secured PSO Optimized Clustering and Data Aggregation Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks


  • Yesodha K Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science Author
  • Krishnamurthy M KCG College of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Author
  • Selvi M Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu Author
  • Thangaramya K Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu Author
  • Santhosh Kumar SVN Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu Author
  • Kannan Arputharaj Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Author



Data Aggregation, Security, Energy Efficiency, Routing, Attacks, False data injection.


In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), sensor nodes are placed to sense and collect data.  Due to the energy constraint nature of WSN, optimising the energy during the data dissemination is a major concern. To solve this problem, data aggregation may be used to bring down the redundant transmission of packets in WSN. In most of the previously available techniques, security is also a major concern during data aggregation and routing process with optimized energy.  Many data aggregation-based routing systems are subject to security attacks during the data transfer from sensors to source to Clustered Heads (CHs) and then to sink with data aggregation process. Moreover, the existing data aggregation-based routing protocols suffer from data redundancy with less accuracy in aggregated data. For handling such issues order to overcome these issues, an Energy Efficient Secured Clustered Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) oriented Data Aggregation Routing Protocol (EESCPSO-DARP) that can provide efficient authentication during data aggregation-based routing is introduced in this paper.  Moreover, the proposed protocol enhances the rate of the data transmission by efficient prevention of false data injection and other attacks through node authentication and data encryption. This proposed protocol minimizes the energy usage by minimizing the retransmissions by eliminating the possible redundant transmissions of data during data aggregation-based routing. Moreover, the introduced protocol minimizes both communication and computational overhead through optimal clustering and routing with PSO and provides and efficient routing system. This proposed EESCPSO-DARP protocol has been developed by using the NS3 simulator. The results of this protocol showed improved security, higher packet delivery ratio and enhanced network throughput with reduced energy and delay.


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How to Cite

Energy Efficient Secured PSO Optimized Clustering and Data Aggregation Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. (2024). International Journal of Global Perspectives in Academic Research, 1(2).